It was cold - colder than we realised, and I wondered that I hadn't brought a hat. I think the fact that the sun is actually out, and the sky is clear, makes me forget that it is still March in Scotland. I did have a warm coat with gloves in the pockets, so I did pretty well...but we passed a few people who didn't do quite so well, and were shivering in the early evening air.
As we walked along, the light began to fade. We stopped once, to stand and look out onto the loch, and I loved how the light faded from a dark blue to a lighter blue, then a cream colour, and a pinkish purple with a grey tinge...then past the trees it faded again on the surface of the water, so that if you weren't looking at the scene in a three-dimensional view (as in this photo here!), it was just fading from one to the other and back again, with a dark line in between. It was beautiful. The birds sailed majestically - and silently - across the sky, not even calling to each other as they went. We passed a good number of other walkers, but we were fairly intent on our conversation and hardly noticed they were there.
By the time we drove home, all this beautiful light had faded to darkness. But tomorrow is another walking day!
Walk length: 45 minutes
Those swans were almost as beautiful as the water reflections on which they rested. Aaaaahhhhh!