No more couch potato. For 90 days I am walking every day regardless of the weather, enjoying the beauty and even the cold or wet or wildness.
Friday, 4 February 2011
Day 62: Birthday Rambles
Today is my birthday. It started out very well - a long lie, good coffee, time to read the Word, chatting with Pin, a brightly coloured scarf from my sister....and then we set off on a nice, long walk.
Well, it started out nice and it certainly was long...but in the end we got pretty turned around and lost, and almost ended up in Coatbridge instead of back at the flat! The wind howled and the rain pelted us and it was colder than I had been in a long, long time.
But as with all walks of this type, it certainly had character, and memories.
Now that I am warm and cosy and mostly recuperated, I remember: hearing the wind howl in the tops of the trees...laughing with Pin over something only we found funny...passing other walkers who looked at us strangely as though to say 'we know why WE are out in this horrible weather, but why are YOU?'...passing through a bridge that looked like a portal, and Pin insisted on stepping through it and seeming to be whisked away...Pin standing there with an arm and leg hanging out long after I took the photo...looking right and then left and being unsure which way to go, then going right, and then a few minutes later turning back round realising we should have gone left...doing this several times....talking about deep things....turning into cul-de-sac after cul-de-sac until Pin was ready to leap the fence....and finding an old, tarnished, burnt-out car that I insisted upon taking for a wee drive.
It was a good walk. We went a lot longer than we expected, but now we know where those paths lead, and we are even more thankful for times of rest and refreshing. We even decided to take a 'video' of our walk in the style of my grandfather, who sometimes had it on when he thought it was off, and vice versa, leading to some pretty funny remarks that he didn't think anyone would hear. (Of course, for my grandfather, using the word 'darn' was equivalent to full scale swearing, which we kids thought was the funniest thing we'd ever heard.)
Happy birthday to me, and I hope you enjoyed my day! Walk on!
First I want to say: A-mazing video! :D I miss you!!
Secondly, I went on a walk today! The sun was shining, I was bored, and the temperature was...well it was right at freezing, so it was bearable. haha. I didn't even wear my coat, just a warm vest, my scarf, and a hat. I also started listening to a sermon as I walked. 'Twas a nice leisurely stroll. :)
um, that vid was completely AWESOME and i MISS you both! hahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteFirst I want to say: A-mazing video! :D I miss you!!
ReplyDeleteSecondly, I went on a walk today! The sun was shining, I was bored, and the temperature was...well it was right at freezing, so it was bearable. haha. I didn't even wear my coat, just a warm vest, my scarf, and a hat. I also started listening to a sermon as I walked. 'Twas a nice leisurely stroll. :)
You guys are so funny!!! :) Glad I got to talk to you -- sorry I had to run, but knew you needed to go too. Will check out lake pics soon.