Tuesday 15 February 2011

Day 73: Daily Disciplines

I made myself go out tonight.  I have been going straight from rising to setting and beyond today, and a bit weary in general.  So it was a short walk, but I was glad I did it.  There's something about a walk that freshens the mind, gives you that extra bit of energy, and clears the head a bit.  It also helps you feel accomplished.

Interesting how the little things can do that.  I was realising the other day just how many things I do daily that are disciplines - I very often don't feel like doing them, but the benefit is great.  My daily items include writing for 3 pages in the morning (writing anything, as per my creativity workshop book, The Artist's Way); going for a walk, any length; writing this blog; studying my Bible (I'm learning all that I can about rest from the Bible by journalling my way through it) - and that doesn't include the basics of food and work and the various things that come up.  Some days it overwhelms me, but I've learned that the best way to achieve anything is by doing small things day after day.  Taking a day out every month to do writing doesn't work at all.  Writing 3 pages every morning makes for a heck of a lot achieved without even realising it!

May you all press on in your own daily disciplines today.

Walk length:  15 minutes

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