Monday 28 February 2011

Day 82: Which Prodigal Are You?

Another day of rest.  I pretty much spent the entire day listening to sermons and reading books and articles about the Story of the Prodigal Son.  What really struck me this time around was the elder brother. I really believe that parable is mislabeled.  It should be called the Story of the Two Prodigal Sons.  Everyone connects with the rebellion of the younger brother very quickly, because it is obvious and open.  But the rebellion of the elder brother is so subtle because he appears to have all the boxes ticked - and yet that's the whole problem.  When his younger brother comes home, is forgiven, and a party is thrown, the elder brother's response is anger, bitterness, accusations, and self-righteousness.  "All these years I have slaved for you," he tells his father.  His deepest problem is that he sees his father as a slave-driver, and whereas the younger brother asked out front, boldly, for the inheritance money, the elder brother decides to get it by trickery. He can't wait for his father to die, either...he just pretends to be the good guy and yet is only serving for the 'stuff' that he will get in the end.

It really struck me afresh, on this day of rest, that going to worship and prayer meeting and Bible classes and visiting housebound and attending events and spending time with the young people and all of these things are completely useless if they are done without the heart, without love.  God the Father is not one who requires a list of 'to-do' items before He loves us.  For those of us who are His children, who are following Him and serving Him, He loves already! His response to the elder brother is so gracious: "Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours."  He could have justifiably berated the elder brother, but he doesn't - because the father loves both his sons.  Forgiveness, and welcome, and a great big party, are open to both of them.

Interestingly enough the story leaves us hanging. No happy ending where the elder brother goes into the party and greets his younger brother with tears of reconciliation.  I kind of like that.  It leaves it open to be your story, my story.  Which brother are we?  And where will we go from here?  Either way - older or younger brother - God the Father shows great compassion and love, and our service to Him is out of love.  It is out of love that I do go to many of these events with the church...but they are not for the church.  They are for God, who is throwing a pretty amazing party for me and all His children one day!  Can't wait!

Here's the first sermon I watched on the elder brother - an excellent one.  Enjoy!

Religion and 'Older Brothers' - Luke 15 from Airdrie RPC on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic sum-up, sis! Want to read that book before I leave....
