Thursday 2 December 2010

Day 4: Like Walking In Brown Sugar

Joy, joy, the sun came out and the skies stayed blue today!  Well, blue and grey, but it didn't bust out a small blizzard on me like yesterday.  I walked twice today - a short one in the morning (in which I put on far too many clothes and nearly suffocated while walking through snow up to my knees), and a longer one just before sunset.  Of course once the sun went down it was pretty darn cold, and I had the head down, slushing my way home. 

An older gentleman was slushing through the brown stuff towards me (unfortunately the roads were more clear, so I couldn't walk on them anymore), and we stopped to chat.  This happened about six times during my two walks today - everyone is just so friendly.  People stop to say 'hiya' even while shoveling snow behind their car, or in between having heated discussions with the person they are walking with.  One older lady was peeking out her top-floor window, about four storeys up, and I waved.  We had a shouted conversation which I doubt she understood any of, but it was very cheerful and pleasant.  At any rate, the older gentleman mentioned in passing that "it's like walking through brown sugar", and as I walked on I realised he was absolutely right.  If you took bags and bags of demerara brown sugar, and piled it about six inches deep, and made it extremely cold, and then tried walking through it, you will have some idea of how my walk went - at least when I was on the paths.

I did divert from the paths several times - once to duck under a snow-laden tree and be standing suddenly in fairyland.  I almost felt like crying - it was that pretty.  I don't know if you've ever felt like that.  Beauty touches me powerfully, and with the sun slanting through the snow-covered trees, and not a noise to be heard but a bird calling, I just stood there in wonder for a moment.  Then I whipped out my camera, of course, and I'll post those photos later.  I had my heavy-duty camera with me today, so I got some better-than-iphone photos.  Meant an extra stone in weight on my back, but my wonderful amazing can't-get-any-better Lowepro Slingshot distributes the weight really well.  I know I sound like I'm selling it, but if you're into photography you honestly can't do better for a camera bag when slushing through two feet of snow.  It's legendary. 

On the way back I stopped in at the local grocery store, whose floors were a pool of brown water.  Fortunately I was wearing my trusty wellies (also contributing to the brown water), so it was no worries for me.  The poor lady at the front with the mop paused as I came in and the look on her face seemed to indicate that she wasn't sure there was any point.  I'm not sure there was, either.  Best wait till March, and clean up then.  For some odd reason, everyone seemed to be stocking up on cooking salt.  In the middle of a main aisle stood a trolley, piled high with cooking salt, on sale for 62p.  Every person who passed took one, and one lady took four.  I was wondering whether there is a sudden need for everyone to make homemade pretzels, but I have now realised that, of course, those who don't have grit are making do with cooking salt.  (A little slow here - I think the brain is frozen.)  People were also stocking up on Coke - it truly is a Christmas drink.  I definitely associate the red can with its cheery Father Christmas on it, with the season. 

This is one of those days that I wish my walk could count for two.  In total I think I walked for about three hours today - and much of that was hard slogging through snow that was quite literally up to my knees.  And I had that heavy camera backpack too.  I thought this little blog would be a lovely way to make sure I took a short walk every day!  What have I gotten myself into?

I'm off to lie around in my jammies and drink some seasonal Coca-Cola.  I'm not going to bother digging the car out for a few days (or weeks), so maybe I should make some homemade pretzels!

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