Sunday 9 January 2011

Day 37: Back In Scotland

As I landed yesterday, there was snow falling.  It was a perfect homecoming for me, who loves to see snow falling and to enjoy it as it has fallen.  I was pleased the country welcomed me back with my favourite winter weather.  I took two walks again today - the first one didn't really 'count' as it was a shopping walk, which as noted previously involves a lot of dandering and dawdling and pausing.  So I walked to prayer meeting at church tonight, with that strange snow/rain combination that isn't as pleasant as when big flakes of snow are gently covering the landscape.  There was nothing extraordinary about my walk tonight - the snow is still a combination of ice and brown slush, the air cold, and I've traced this path to and from the church many times.  I did have an opportunity for a lift on the way home, which I refused, but it took a bit of willpower as the combination of rain and snow had worsened and the cold wetness in my face was not as much of a pleasure as I would have liked.  But the Christmas lights are still up, so I feel like I'm still on my holidays, and that's always an enjoyable feeling.

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