Sunday 23 January 2011

Day 51: A Flat Tyre

Yesterday was my 'Nothing Day'.  Haven't had one of those in months, really.  Nothing planned, nothing to go to, nothing that I absolutely had to do.  It was glorious.  Every once in a while I just decide to have a no-walk day, even if it's not a Sunday.  I've only had a few of those, but I think it's really important to let yourself off every once in a while.  I learned that when I had to take a few days off because I was severely unwell and worried I might get pneumonia again.  It sounds great, being all steadfast and never giving in or never giving up, etc., but it's also valid and right to take a day off every once in a while, when you need it.  So yesterday I did Nothing at all and really, really enjoyed it.

This morning I got up to drive to church and found I had a flat tyre.  Not just low, or almost-flat: dead.  Literally like a pancake.  So, I walked to church, and to a friend's for lunch, and then home from lunch.  Quite a bit of walking for a day of rest, but it was enjoyable.  It was also gracious of God to organise it so that my flat tyre happened on a day when I could walk instead of drive, and that my very kind neighbour came and changed it for me this afternoon!  I think I could change a tyre if I had to, but I hate to test that theory if there's a man around to help me.  (Yes, very much a non feminist here, and proud of it!  I love having doors opened and tyres changed and jars opened and heavy things lifted for me!)  No photo of my flat tyre - I forgot.  But I did get a photo of the funny, stripy cloud patterns.

I spent the afternoon writing handwritten letters to people that I wanted to encourage and pray for.  It was lovely.  Hadn't done that in a long while.  I have so many cards and so much stationery, letters, fancy pens, stamps, and even sealing-wax: it's a crime to let it just sit there.  Especially in these days of email and text messaging and Skype and iphones.  And blog posts! 

So, if you're missing the handwritten touch lately, drop me a comment on this blog post and I'll write you a real old fashioned letter!  If I don't have your address, email or Facebook it to me :)

Walk on!

Walk length:  50 minutes


  1. How fun!!!! I hate to make work for you....but how can I resist a real letter. :) I must say I'm just a bit envious that you have so many places to walk. Surbubia is just not suited for much walking.

  2. You were one of the first people I thought of!! And that great book you sent me ages ago :) I'll get one off to you this week! Yes, I do like the small towns. So far I can actually go, without going far!
