I prided myself on waiting until the rain had stopped to go for my walk, but I know by now that there's no need to take pride. The rain (or snow, or whatever kind of weather I'm trying to avoid) will come when it pleases, not when I think it will. I live on an island, for crying out loud! So I left when the rain was off and by the time I crossed two streets a few drops were falling, and when I got to the shops my head was soaking wet. The strange thing was, if I kept my head down I couldn't really feel it at all. There were these huge drops falling - I could feel them every once in a while, like I was walking in slow motion. And in the lights of the passing cars I could see it was coming down fairly steady. But it was as though there were huge spaces between them, or like some of the water got left out when it was all poured down. Naturally once I reached the shops the rain stopped, and I was able to go in for my passport photos looking like a drowned rat. They won't let you smile in passport photos anyway, so it just adds to the look. I imagine this is because when you hand over your passport you are in an airport, and most airports are generally designed to add to your travel woes if they can. You would think you would be smiling going on holiday, but of course you haven't gotten there yet, and your bag is overweight, and you left a water bottle in your bag so it has to be searched...so yeah, my passport picture will be appropriate!

After the passport photo was completed (and put out of my memory), it was on to the Boodle Bar! This is our favourite takeaway in Airdrie; I think the owners have a sign that says 'Bar Noodle' but they are clearly mistaken. Misspelling the name in a text message has led to us calling it the Boodle Bar, and it's a much more catchy name. We got our favourites and walked home (in no rain!) to enjoy them, and I taught Caitie how to play Skip-Bo. An old classic!
Walk length: 25 minutes
Yum, yum. too bad we don't have one here!!!
ReplyDeleteYou will just have to come here and try ours!!!